come out better

people to



I am the proud creator of

COB is the acronym of a nickname given to me when I was 5 years old by my best friend Jourdan Watanabe. COB transformed into COME OUT BETTER and the rest is still unwritten!

If this is your first time finding out about me, you are in the right space! The NOW space!

I manifested this website for one simple reason, to help you COME OUT BETTER.

I am committed to helping you commit to yourself and to help you remember how powerful you truly are as a divine creator God intended us always to be.

The world is changing everyday, every minute, every second, every moment.

The world today almost feels upside down in a way. You are starting to see clearly the illusion, the programs and constructs that are proving to be unsustainable.

Many people today are waking up, and waking up fast. When this awakening occurs within we begin to question things. Why? How? What? When? These questions are what I had when I began to truly see this world for what it is



I lived by myself in a typical manner. I Grew up in a secure and safe city, played high school sports, got a college scholarship to play Division 1 NCAA basketball, graduated with a Business Marketing degree, and pursued a career playing Professional basketball in Mexico.

After spending 4 years in college, it did not prepare me or teach me about the real world in terms of money, jobs, owning your own business, how the system works, tax regulations, and financial literacy. I left college with a big question mark on what my life will be next.

After attempting a 9-5 job at a corporate finance firm as a territory marketing manager, I felt flat, stale, and unmotivated sitting at a desk all day crunching numbers for someone else’s dream.

This prompted me to take my talents elsewhere, and that was south over the border. I ended up playing professional basketball in Mexico and within a year I became very ill with Ulcerative Colitis, acid reflux, anxiety, Eczema, chronic inflammation, hay fevers, and other sinus issues to name a few.

I was only 25 years old at the time. When I came back from Mexico is when my life began to change. I came home with a horrible slate of health and that’s when it all started to click, I found the healing powers of Water…or I suppose Water found me.

My 20’s were the biggest trial and error of my life...

My now business partner, Jilly, whom I love dearly, showed me something that changed my life forever and may potentially change yours!

As this water began to change my body, physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually, I wanted to share it with the world.

When something alters your life, our first thought is “I have to tell everyone!” and I did just that…

Guess what? I FAILED miserably. I was un-coachable, hard-headed, Ego-driven, stubborn, and stuck up in my way.

Rather than using a system in place that helps thousands today, I tried to reinvent the wheel. It got me nowhere except to “QUIT!” Yep, I quit.





I went back to being a full-time personal trainer for the following 2 years. At the same time trying 4 MLM companies, failing them all.

Partnering with multiple people for startups, failing them all, losing over 40K in bad deals and relationships. I tried coaching basketball, created a start-up app, sold dental insurance, attempted to get a commercial real estate license, and started an online training system.

Nope, no, nice try, no thanks, NOTHING!

I was caught in a vicious cycle of self-sabotage, lack, doubt, fear, suppressing emotions, not asking for help, partying every weekend, complaining about what I didn’t have, comparing myself to others having success at an early age, and would binge eating to numb my feelings….wild, huh? Then one day, it happened.

The out-of-body experience happened. The shattering of paradigms happened.

In the month of December 2017, at the age of 28.5, I had my awakening.

After leaving my body for almost 3 hours, I came back to reality and all the dots started connecting. I struggle to describe it to this day with simple words in order to paint a clear picture of what happened.

It was the most powerful, profound experience of my life and that’s when life started to truly change. I began to see, I began to get curious, and I began to question reality in many ways.

Health, nutrition, hydration, detoxification, the human body, our mental health, the brain, the mind, frequencies, energy, and vibration.

I began to feel more, emotions would arise, one after another to feel and let go or integrate and embody.

My whole life I would hold back tears, as tears showed weakness. I had this light in me flicker, my soul, my spirit. I started learning about western medicine, and the pharmaceutical world….and then it happened. My father was diagnosed in April 2018 with Acute Myeloid Leukemia and another WAKE UP CALL happened.

No one wants to hear the “cancer” news about anybody, let alone your own mom or dad.

When my father was diagnosed, my belief of life was again shattered. Never in all my life would I or could I imagine hearing those words on the phone that dark morning.

During my father’s treatments, I DOVE into EVERYTHING. Everything that this world taught us to be “true” and “real”. I started discovering that in fact, the opposite was true. It was all FALSE and FAKE.

Welcome Cognitive Dissonance! Sitting bedside with my father day in and day out bringing him living water and never leaving his side as he would do the same for me, I learned a lot.

More in a span of 1 year than I did 28 years prior. I read almost 100 books, 100’s hours of audiobooks, youtube videos, online classes, podcasts, journal entries, and information not tied to MainStream Media. I didn’t die personally, instead, my Ego died, my old mindset died, my beliefs died, my perspectives died, and my words died.

I lost 40 lbs due to detoxing, fasting, cleansing, healing, and purging at the cellular level. What I thought was losing myself…was in fact…finding myself!

The real me was birthing at the same time I was dying within. I began connecting dot after dot. An infinite stream of information, awareness, and consciousness began to rise from the ashes.

I started cutting toxic habits, letting go of old patterns, saying no to things that no longer served me, and began realizing all of these things were designed and embedded in this “system” we call America…and a place we called Earth.


Today, I want to give back everything to you. All of it!

All I learned, moved through, connected, observed, and realized. This hidden (occult) information takes time, days, weeks even years to comprehend in my opinion. How come no one knows?

Look at society…we are programmed to go-go-go, a rat race chasing money, fame, and status while sacrificing presence, peace, and happiness at all costs. Talk about toxicity.

Looking at this world through a Quantum lens, a Q lens so to speak, the illusion becomes easier and easier to see every single day. There are tons of noise, and distractions that are floating out there today. Mainstream Media, Social media, politics, celebrities, athletes, entertainment, constant stimulation, and addictions to inner reward centers.

You can get caught in an endless loop of information with no call to action, no goal in mind, and no community to support you! It is not something that everyone chooses to do and that’s OK, I choose to do it and share it with you

zoom out....

They are so powerful they can create ideas, move mountains, shake foundations, and empower thousands of people! The choice is yours.

What words are you choosing to live by? When I began my entrepreneurial journey, my words ate me up. They limited me and put me in a box. I was closed-minded. I resisted and rejected anything that came in that was new to me. I quickly learned what you resist continues to persist! This manifested in business and kept me looping, day in and out.

I had no clue how I was going to create success for myself. In my heart, I knew I wanted to be successful yet I didn’t know how!

A retired professional
athlete turned  entrepreneur  with a mission to help others create financial freedom

The words you speak out loud and in the mind can build you up or break you down. 

How did I get to where I am today.. 

Foreign Travel

June 2013

Aug 2014- Mar 2015

Graduated from Cal Poly SLO
with a Business Marketing Degree & Played Div 1 Basketball.

Full Ride Scholarship

March 2015

Ulcerative Colitis, Acid reflux, Psoriasis, hay fever allergies, inflammation from sports, scar tissues and always getting sick.

Took the leap and backpacked through Europe to reset 

Sep 2013- Mar 2014

July 2015


Miserably working a 9-5

in Marketing & Finance at a Commercial Lease Company.
Commuting, wearing dress clothes, long days, short breaks and after 10 months I couldn’t see myself staying.

Played in the Monterrey, Mexico “Fuerza Regia” LNBP league. My life goal was to play professional!

Played Professional Basketball

Sickness Hit

Changed my Water -
 Changed my life


Had a Spiritual Awakeing

March 2016

Oct 2017

Officially bought my Kangen Machine!

Dec 2017

In a very short span, I was searching for money, lack of mindset and scarcity. Everything felt expensive, I worked with a linear mindset, and would spend the money I earned right away, rather than invest.

Q Posts Came Online


Once I began learning more about what had been kept hidden by meat facilities, lobbyists, big pharma, and more, I made a choice to go plant based.

Jan 2018


Had an out of body experience in December, when i came back into my body, everything clicked and I started asking QUESTIONS.

Lost $40,000 & FAILED 4 MLM's

No clue at the time what they would mean and how they would help me awaken to so much corruption in the world.

Plant Based

Started Social Media

April 2018

Nov 2019

Began building my person social media @comeoutbetter and an online conscious community with Wake Water Co!

I got a phone call at my private gym on a saturday morning, my mom had told me my dad was diagnosed with AML (Acute Myeloid Leukemia) an aggressive form of Bone Marrow Leukemia, so they say.

Fathers Cancer Diagnosis

March 2020

The World shut down and life as we know it shifted, with it so did my business!

Experienced the biggest month in my business making almost $50,000 income in 1 month.


August 2020


Exchanged TV for Books/podcasts/Alt news

Started my own business(es) and dove head first into education. 

COVID Hit the World

Financial Expansion

Move to Vista CA

September 2020

January 2021

A fresh start and a new perspective leaving Orange County for the first time.

Survived near fatal car accident , had out of body experience and knew that God had a bigger plan for me.

Near Death Experience 

May 2021

Created my first (multiple people) 6 figure earners with Lauren Nowell and Jenn keddy (both have done $8M + in sales revenue!

First time hosting an event with 600+’people live in Orange County CA.

October 2020

January 2022


My Father Passed Away at The Age of 66. 

It was the hardest day of my life, a day I would have never expected to live and experience.

Live Events began.

Duplication Began


United States WAKE TOUR

February 2022

June - July 2022 

Visted all my business partners in 6+ states over 30+ days to help them build and scale Enagic Kangen Water.

Went to Ensenada Mexico to build homes for families with “Propserity homes” movement.

Philanthropy Work

October 2022

Entered into my Spartan Race (10K 6 miles) Nashville, TN.

Visited Okinawa and Osaka Japan Where Enagic is located. We toured the factory that makes Kangen machines + visited their facilities.

April 2022

March 2023


Invested $25,000 in Business

Eric Worres Next Level Mastermind for millionaires in network marketing and direct sales.

Traveled to Japan

First Spartan Race

Completed our first ever Red Earth Oven 

May 2023

October 2023

Completed our first ever Red Earth Oven with Red Earth movement to restore indigenous culture and practices back to California.

First ever XRP Conference live from Las Vegas.

Cyroto Currency Event

November 2023

Launched Come Out Wealthier crypto course and mastermind for over 200+ people.

Became a millionaire from high ticket sales business and coaching.

May 2023

January 2024


Traveled to Italy

First international speaking gig in Italy in front of 800 people.

Entered into the Million Dollar Club

Come Out Wealthier goes LIVE

COBCast goes LIVE

April 2024

September 2024

Launch of the COBcast podcast streaming live on Spotify and Apply Podcasts!

Raced and completed my first half marathon in Carlsbad CA.

First Half Marathon

August 2024


100k Social Media Milestone

Hit over 100K followers on @comeoutbetter.

October 2024

First Ever Winners Circle Alliance in AZ

Over 400+ conscious business leaders joined us!



dropping truth bombs on instagram
